  • 1) Click link
    2) Choose this week
    3) All CGs
  • A the following times, create an alarm with your phone to remind you to come back to this form and execute the tasks scheduled for that time

    I. All weekdays

    1. 9AM
    2. 1030am (Rapid Response)
    3. 430pm/5pm: End of day

    II. Fridays only

    1. 9am
  • Once alarms are set and confirmed for today, copy and paste

    (*) STAFFING DEPARTMENT FORM FORM. Reminder alarms have been set for the following times so I come back to this form and execute those tasks:

    [list here from above, copy and paste those instructions]
  • 9AM

  • 1. Check all emails and VMs

    2. 1 hour response time. Respond to client within 1 hour with either (i) solution or (ii) affirmation that you are working on it

    copy and paste to CMS

    (*) Emails and Calls

    I will respond within less than 1 hour to any inquiries related to staffing or schedules, even if it is to let them know I am working on it

  • 1. Click here for open shifts

    2. copy and paste


    1) # of open shifts
    2) Bottlenecks to getting this done include

  • 1. Any time any feedback is given re a CG on a shift you must update CG PRefernences accordingly. Any CG that is there consistently must be a favorite. Any CG not allowed in a home must be on Do not send section

    2. copy and paste


    As I touch any CC schedule I will review the entire month and
    1. Any CG that is there consistently must be a favorite.
    2. Any CG not allowed in a home must be on Do not send section
  • 1. Giving constructive feedback to a CG - this is not your job. This is HR

    2. copy and paste

    (*) Giving constructive feedback to a CG

    Giving constructive feedback to a CG that is constructive in nature, I will not engage. I will chat in the HR chat group with CMS and allow them to deal with this. I will never convey being annoyed with any CG. I will allow HR to do that

  • 1. As you talk to clients and open their CC, you must update IADL sections for

    (a) 1. STAFFING DEPARTMENT/STAFFING - 4. Communication (Weekly Confirmations & Changes)


    (b) 3. QA DEPARTMENT/ 1. QA Calls (*) How often? New Shifts (*) Who to call? Client (*) Who from HISC to call? Bal and Emil Prelim, Alma Final QA

    2. copy and paste into IADLs

    (*) Updates

    Bal, as you review RN visits today, please jump on this channel as CMS wants us to review these 2 sections of IADLs and I need to help you

    (a) 1. STAFFING DEPARTMENT/STAFFING - 4. Communication (Weekly Confirmations & Changes)


    (b) 3. QA DEPARTMENT/ 1. QA Calls (*) How often? New Shifts (*) Who to call? Client (*) Who from HISC to call? Bal and Emil Prelim, Alma Final QA

  • 1030m - RAPID RESPONSE

  • Copy and paste to Whatsapp Channel = CMS Only


    It is [time] and I will do the rapid response section covering the following

    1. Open Shifts
    2. New Shifts
    3. QA Calls
    4. Update Clients on Staffing Inquiries
    5. Update my email activity log for today so far
  • 1. Disclosure how many Open shifts for today and tomorrow

    2. Whatsapp Channel = STAFFING

    copy and paste

    (*) Open Shifts

    1. Today = ??
    2. Tomorrow = ??
    3. Bottlenecks include


    4/ I hereby confirm that any filled shifts so far that are new shifts have been posted in the New Shifts dashboard and channel
  • 1. Open New Shift Dashboard

    2. There is a column that confirms Client/ Client rep (as detailed from IADLs section I. Staffing/ 4 - who to call) has been duly notified

    3. You need to mention who was contacted and how (EM or telephone or T&EM)

    4. copy and paste in New Shifts channel

    (1) Today - all new shifts are in this dashboard
    (2) Clients have all been informed as per IADL section I. Staffing 4 - who to call and the column is updated
  • 1. Open New Shift Dashboard

    2. Look at the last coumn called QA calls and disclose how many QA Calls are pending: Past (Red) and Green(that have been complete)

    3. Whatsapp Channel = QAs

    copy and paste

    (*) QA Calls

    1) Past (Red) shifts with incomplete QA column = ??
    2) Green (shifts that have been complete) with incomplete QA column = ??

    Explain why not complete and when they will be complete by
  • 1. Any client who explicitly is awaiting a response to an inquiry or implicitly (without a direct request but is reasonably expecting a response or update) needs to be contacted at least 2x a day until resolution

    2. A response can be a resolution to the inquiry or can be an update that you are working on it

    3. Unless discussed otherwise, all of these inquiries will be addressed 2x a day

    4. Whatsapp Channel = STAFFING

    copy and paste


    Currently, the following clients are awaiting a response to an inquiry

    [List vertically, name of client, nature of inquiry and last communication you had with them]
  • 1. Communication with CGs and Clients is critical (telephone conversations alone are not enough)

    2. Check how many sent emails you have today

    3. Whatsapp Channel = STAFFING

    copy and paste

    (*) Emails sent today

    1) # of emails sent today so far = ??

    2) Percentage of those emails being to clients = ??% (approx)

    3) Percentage of those emails being to CGs = ??% (approx)

    4) Percentage of my conversations with clients that are coupled with email confirmation summary = ??% (approx)

    5) Percentage of my conversations with CGs that are coupled with email confirmation summary = ??% (approx)
  • 430pm/5pm - END OF DAY

  • 1. Go back to that entire section
    2. Repeat each task verbatim
  • 1. On call person needs to know all pending issues



    On call person is aware of all relevant issues

    (*) IADLs - with respect to the following sections

    (a) 1. STAFFING DEPARTMENT/STAFFING - 4. Communication (Weekly Confirmations & Changes)


    (b) 3. QA DEPARTMENT/ 1. QA Calls (*) How often? New Shifts (*) Who to call? Client (*) Who from HISC to call? Bal and Emil Prelim, Alma Final QA

    I reviewed and updated with 100% certainty the following clients

    [list here]


  • 1. Any changes to the schedule made after Thursday morning (when Angie starts confirming schedules) need to be communicated to Angie, this includes a client changing or a CG changing



    Any changes to the schedule as per what Angie started confirming yesterday will be communicated to her. Same with CGs who call office to confirm schedules
  • 1.You need to review this with JK and the team covering patients in hospitals and facilities

    2. All CGs working on these cases need to know that even if they get an email with the home address that they need to go to the facility

    3. Copy and paste in Whatsapp called Pts- Facilities(Hosp/SNF)


    I need to know which clients are temporarily not at home so I make sure CGs do NOT go to the home (or vice versa, I need to know which are back home or soon to be back home so we tell CGs)

    Please list here

    4. Do not continue until you get an answer

    5. Once you get this list, make sure all CGs know where to go and room assignments, including talking to the other CGs so they communicate with each other

    6. copy and paste in Weekend Chat


    Please note the following

    1. Are temporarily not at home and so we need to make sure CGs know where to go

    [list here along with where they are]

    2. May be coming home from a facility during your weekend shift

    [list here along with where they are]
  • 1. Confirming schedules entails reviewing each schedule and making sure it reflects the clients needs as well as any conversations and emails from family members reflecting any requested changes

    2. All the people mentioned in IADLs must have contact in Gmail contacts

    3. Chat with CMS

    No schedule will be confirmed without my
    1. Reviewing the IADLs section I./ 4. 4. Communication (Weekly Confirmations & Changes) and making sure it is 100% accurate with specific names
    2. All those names will have contact info in Gmail contacts